Thursday, September 15, 2005
Social unrest and wars will never end as long as people continue to believe they are superior and more deserving than others. Like when Saddam lets his people starve while building palaces for himself with the money for food. Not to mention all of the unspeakable things he would do to people who didn't worship him like a God. As one anti-war person wrote: "I have personally been terribly unhappy to see Senator John Kerry, Senator John Edwards, Senator Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator Barbara Boxer, Vice President Al Gore, Senator Harry Reid, Representative Nancy Pelosi, Senator Russell Feingold and Senator Patrick Leahy among many, many others carefully avoiding any suspicion of support or endorsement for Cindy Sheehan". It should be clear to today's anti-war people that the democratic party does not support their "leave now" movement. We do however support their right to protest, just not with us. Maybe it's time they found there own party. Democrats understand that there can never be true peace as long as fascist like Saddam Hussein believe they can intimidate peace-loving people with fear. I would like to ask all the good anti-war folk to join us in bringing true peace to the world at long last. If you can't understand why everyone is crazy but yourself, maybe it's because your the crazy one. Russell Berwick
Friday, August 12, 2005
Hello, my name is Russell Berwick and I'm starting this blog because I'm sick of hearing views from either the far left or the far right. Maybe your like me and would like to hear someone’s view from the center for a change. I'm not one of those people that may vote democrat one day and then republican another. I am a loyal democrat and I can't see myself voting any other way. That doesn't mean that I don't agree with my republican brothers and sisters on some issues, it just means that I am a very loyal kind of person who is perhaps a little left of center. Having said that, I can't help but feel that I'm stuck here in between the crossfire sometimes and I'm getting pretty fed up with it. Maybe you feel the same way too. So what can we do? Nobody cares about what we think are say because people think in a very black and white kind of way. You’re either one of us or your one of them. It seems that people can't agree about a lot of things and if you don't think just as they do then they put up a kind of wall around them. Don't get me wrong, I think free speech is a wonderful thing. I truly want to know how others think, even if it gets me upset. What I don't like is how people can't have more respect for others opinions and won't even try to listen or understand. People tend to state everything as fact as if they were God and knew everything without question. Why can't we have a real debate? Perhaps it's just human nature. I wish that before people even began to debate that each would say to the other that there's a chance I may be wrong. I will respect your opinion if you will respect mine. Why is that so hard? So let me just state now that I may be wrong. I may state things as fact but I don't have all the answers, that's for sure. I just needed to make this point because I believe in this day when we find ourselves in the middle of this new kind of war that we face that someone needs to point out that if we spend so much time fighting each other then that only helps those that seek to destroy us. Like when people point out that some people in Iraq will yell at our guys and want us to leave. But if you think about it, who else are they going to yell at? The insurgents? I don't think so, not unless they wish to die. Most of the people there are like me in that they are in between the crossfire. On one side are people that you can get upset at and on the other side are people that you had better not say anything unless you wish to endanger yourself and your family. That's not to say that we don't make mistakes and we are harmless, only that we give people the right to speak there mind more so than the other side. The other side knows this. They’re not stupid. They think that all they need to do is just hang in there until we destroy ourselves because who else are the Americans going to vent there frustration at. They believe that we are weak compared to them. They could care less about there guys getting killed. They even us them as human bombs or human shields. It's like playing a football game with one side playing by the rules and the other side can do anything they wish. It's no wonder they think they can't loose. What they don't understand is that America has been through this before. We always play by the rules while the other side breaks all the rules and there nothing we can do about it. The other side believes that they can't loose because we just can't be as bad as they are because were weak. So why should these guys be any different? Who knows, maybe there right? All you have to do is listen to what some people think about the President and you may think that we were the bad guys. Sure it's true that we didn't find any weapons of mass destruction. But who really believed that Saddam didn't have any before the war. Everyone thought so at the time. Now that we have looked everywhere and can see that he was just bluffing, there are people that will say that they knew he didn't have any. What a joke, even the U.N. though he had to have them. Now people over here stand back and point there finger at the President and say you should have known, like they knew the truth at the time. This is why I refuse to blame the President because I will not pretend to be someone who knew the truth when everyone else was wrong. I'll let others do that. But then again I can't forget that Saddam was one of the worst leaders of our time. It's well known about all the unspeakable things he did in his lifetime to other people. So I say, OK we made some mistakes, but so what. No body's perfect. Of course we make mistakes. Anybody that believes mistakes are never made by there side is living in a dream world. We made mistakes and we will always make mistakes. Sometimes-big mistakes. The important thing to remember here is that we want to free people and make the world a safe place to live in. That makes us the good guys. I think of myself as a modern American revolutionary that wants to free the world of leaders like Saddam. If that makes me the bad guy in your eyes then that's fine with me. To me nothing is more important than making the world a peaceful place for everyone to live in. Not just for myself or just for Americans. During any revolution people do things that are very bad in order to bring change. It's not pretty. People make mistakes, people die and so on. The important thing is that we win. The world is much too small now to just look the other way and say that it's doesn't matter what others do in far away lands. 911 proved that. I hope you will join me in freeing the world by any means possible. This is war. If you’re an American, then they want you dead and far away from them because we stand for freedom. That’s what this war is all about. The freedom revolution will win in the end because every human wishes to be free. All the evil in the world can’t stop it. Both the left wing and the right wing bring up good points. Just remember, it takes two wings to fly. Russell Berwick
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