Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trojan Kitty In Retreat

by Russell Berwick
If you had read my other articles which are tiled, “Too Much Obama Baggage,”and, "Obama In The Mob", then you may have notice that my Republican Trojan horse theory has already been put into play. My theory was that while the Republicans showed the Reverend Wright clips, like the infamous, “God damn America speech,” McCain would put on a righteous indignation act, making him seem above the fray. There have been a few surprises that I have noticed that may have caused this plan to be less effective than Senator McCain had hoped it would be. Because of these unforeseen problems, McCain was only able to wheel out his Trojan horse for only about four days before he felt that he needed to retreat. In order for this plan to work as well as they would have hoped, it would have been best if everyone on the Republican side were in on the trick. Today it’s much harder for that to happen because of the revolution in communications that we have already become accustom to. If McCain were to try and inform his people of his plan then everyone would know about it in almost an instant. Today we can see and hear about news events in what is now called, “real time.” This is just a way of saying that we can see and hear about things in almost an instant. Just look at all the people that have mobile phones that have cameras build in which allow millions to become the world’s eyes and hear. People can now lodge on to something like You-Tube and see what the rest of the world sees and hears in almost an instant. When the Greeks built there Trojan horse, there whole army was in on the trick so they could hide until the perfect moment to attack. When Senator McCain made his Trojan horse, he has the problem of both sides being confused, which may cause the plan to backfire. McCain had hoped that he would be seen as being above it all, which may have worked if it wasn’t for so many of his fellow Republicans which now can’t understand why he’s being so nice and not getting into the fight. To them, he looks weak and even helping Obama. He isn’t able to reassure them that he’s still the hot head Republican that can get in the mud and fight like Republicans are famous for. By putting on his, “tame as a kitten act”, he is turning off much of his own party. Perhaps he’s fooling most of the public, but that may not be very good when most of the public include his army which should be waiting for the perfect time to strike. McCain had hoped to get the votes of the many that could vote for either party by seeming better than everyone else. Another thing that may not be helping him is that the ones that he may not be fooling are the ones that he had hoped to fool the most. I don’t thing that Senator Obama is falling for it, for instance. As I predicted, the Republicans are now showing Pastor Wright shouting, “God damn America,” as a way of painting Obama as being unpatriotic. Perhaps one of the things that may have caused McCain Trojan Kitty plain to have backfired is that the, “G.D. America,” clips are being shown too early. I’m sure he had hoped that this attack would have started after a Democrat was picked. By having to put on his righteous indignation act this early, seems to have caught him off guard. As I was reading today’s news, I happened to noticed that now he seems to believe that Obama’s pastor is fair game, because Obama himself said in an interview with the FOX network that he believed that it was fair for people to question his twenty year relationship with his pastor. The reason I don’t think Obama fell for his act was because shortly after McCain tried to act so shocked about the, “G.D. America,” add in North Carolina, Obama told everyone that, if he couldn’t have them pull the add, then how much influence could he possibly have in the Republican party. I’m sure this must have made McCain very upset and caused him to rethink his plan of attack. One other surprise that may have caught McCain off guard was the fact that Reverend Wright himself has come out of hiding and is making the news again by making his unusual views center stage once again. Just from what little that I have heard, it would be hard for anyone to try and defend this person that seems to have such a great hate for anyone that happens to be American of European or Jewish descent. For now Senator McCain must wheel back his Trojan Kitten but I’m sure we will see it again after a Democrat is picked and the Republican attack machine is in full force. I guess that now we have all seen this Trojan Kitty, perhaps the next time we see it we should call him, “Hello Kitty.”

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hoes Need Not Apply

As I was walking across campus today and thinking about Senator Hillary Clintons big win the night before, I happened to notice someone wearing an Senator Obama t-shirt. On this shirt was a picture of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton. Obama's head was placed higher than Hillary's head with the caption reading, "Bros before Hoes." I had heard about this shirt on the radio some weeks before. I believe that this is a saying by the hip hop community which means that a guy should care about another guy before they care about a woman. To be honest, when I looked up the meaning they refered to the woman as a bitch, as if all woman were bitches. It would seem that this is also a title to a song by the group Pitboss 2000. I guess that this is more of Senator Obama and his supporters way of unifying the country that I keep hearing about. This reminded me of the time when some news reporter talked about Chelsea Clinton showing up at her mother's rallies as, "the Clintons pimping out there daughter." It seems a little more than strange to me that a woman who stood by her man, kept her family together and was very faithful to her husband, should be labeled as a hoe. In case you don't know, hoe is a hip hop way of saying whore. I guess that I should remember that when the hip hop community say hoe, that they refer to all woman as hoes. I guess that they would say that hoe is spelled different than whore, so people shouldn't get upset about it. Or they may say that you can either be a hoe or a bitch, as if that helps. I think that this misogynistic t-shirt helps to illustrate why this country needs to have a woman president more than anything that I could tell you. How in the world could we have come to this point in our culture where all women could be seen as prostitutes or bitches and proudly displayed as such on something like a t-shirt that's worn by so many? What worries me even more is how could the women of today stand by and allow this to happen without protesting strongly. You could say that it shouldn't be taken literally, but the way I see it, a hoe is a hoe. Sure you can say that it's just some cute way of saying female, but come on. As is often the case with the hip hop community, it's the woman that raises the children while the man goes off to be a player. In case you don't know, a player is a man who has several girlfriends. It's not uncommon that the player will impregnate these different women while leaving the tax payer to pay the bills. If that Bro is not a whore, than I don't know who is. This kind of low life is seen as being the kind of man that all men should aspire to be. How screwed up is that? How many times have you heard people refer to Hillary as a bitch because she's a strong woman? It would seem that a woman just can't get a break, no matter how much good they do. When someone says, "Bros before Hoes," it's just another way of saying, woman need not apply. When I heard this morning that Senator Obama refused to have another debate with Hillary, it seemed clear to me who the weaker sex was in this case. If he's so scared to face Hillary in another debate then how could anyone believe he'd be strong enough to face the Republicans? Americans want a leader that can fight, not someone that has there head in the sand. If these people have such a low opinion of women then perhaps there candidate should have the guts to act like a man. Maybe he should have his wife debate Hillary instead. She seems plenty strong enough to me. Maybe his wife should be the one running for president. Oh, that's right, it's Bros before Hoes. Where are you Bro, we're waiting?

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Poisonous Jack Cafferty

Recently CNN’s Jack Cafferty had made one of his usual inflammatory comments which was this time directed toward China. The comments that has many Chinese people upset was this; “We continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export . . . jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart. So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years." CNN has apologized for there comment stating that they were really talking about the government and not the people of China. To China, this apology isn’t good enough. The Chinese people would like to see him get fired. I believe that the least CNN could do is to have Mr.Cafferty make the apology himself. I think that our liberal news media is perhaps so used to lashing out at our government that they believed that an attack on China would just blow over in a short time. That’s where they made there mistake. In case you haven’t noticed, the Chinese people are a very proud people who stick together like glue. They understand that like us, they have a lot of work to do to make things better, but that this will take some time. As someone who has been to China three times, I can tell you that things are improving there at a very rapid rate. Every time I go there, I can’t help but notice the progress that is being made at a rate that we here couldn’t understand. The same people here that expect Iraq to become a fully Democratic country overnight are the same ones that expect China to become nearly perfect overnight. Instead we should try and be good friends and help them to keep going into the right direction. When someone like Mr. Cafferty states that, “We continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export.” He makes it sound as if everything made in China is junk and is poisonous. I know that this was not his intention, but I only understand this because I’m an American. If you were your average Chinese citizen, then you couldn’t help but be offended by such a condescending statement. When he states that, “you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart.”, he makes it sound as if everyone in China had to work for such low wages. When Mr.Cafferty states that, “I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years.” He really insults all Chinese instead of the government as CNN later said that this remark was intend for. When you insult all the Chinese people, then you have made a lot of people upset, as I’m sure there finding out. When someone like Mr.Cafferty makes these kinds of blanket statements about a whole country, then he himself should have the courage to face these people and tell them that he is sorry for insulting so many. If you were to travel to China then you will find that they are some of the nicest people that you will ever meet. By wanting to hold the Olympics there, they are hoping to show the world that they are not the kind of people that someone like Mr.Cafferty would have you believe them to be. China is reaching out to the world to show that they want to be respected and want to live in peace with everyone. Of course you can always find something that you don’t like about them, just as many people do to us. When I’m in China and I’m talking to someone who is angry at my country for different reasons, I will tell this person that we should find what we have in common instead of always looking for the things that make us hate each other. For now, let’s put our differences on the back burner and work on what brings us together. With all of the problems that our country is facing, shouldn’t we try and make friends instead of more enemies? If we are friends, then we can talk about our problems and solve them instead of just making the problems worst by shutting down all communication. It is my impression that most Chinese wish to keep going forward to try and improve there country by becoming more like the west. Mr.Cafferty can talk about a dollar a day wages, and make China seem as if things are very bad over there, but things are getting much better with every day that passes. Americans just can’t grasp at just how bad things used to be over there in the old days. The vast majority of Chinese people would never want to go back to those days, just as the majority of Americans would never want to go back to the Cold War days. If you are truly interested in bring about change for the better, then the best path is the path of peace, understanding and diplomacy. As history has taught us, it only takes one hater to bring the whole world to war. How many times must we fall victim to this hard lesson before we learn that love is the only thing that will make the positive changes that we all know in our hearts to be the righteous desire of all man kind.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Too Much Obama Baggage

As I was listening to talk radio the other day, I heard someone make a good point about Senator Obama. I’m sorry but I can’t remember what show I was listening to. The radio host asked this person why the Senator was doing so well even though he is to the left of everyone in the senate. His answer was that the Senator was a liberal, but not a scary liberal. Perhaps you need to be more to the center or to the right to understand this answer. I believe that the reason this may be true is because many people still don’t know very much about this new face to the scene. The right hasn’t yet had time to make him a person that causes fear among so many, like they have with someone like Ted Kennedy or Hillary Clinton, for example. I believe that if you watched the debate in Philadelphia, then it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the Republicans will have more than enough ammunitions to make him one of the scariest politicians to ever make a serious run for the highest office in the land. Like it or not, the beating Senator Obama took in Philadelphia will be nothing compared to what he’ll be facing when he goes up against the whole Republican attack machine. To put it as clearly as I can, if the Senator becomes the Democrats choice, then he’s headed straight for an ambush. As a Democrat, perhaps I should say, we are headed straight for an ambush. This has always been my main point that I have been trying to make to anyone who will listen. As I was reading the morning news accounts the day after the debate, I believe people are beginning to wakeup to this hard fact. Some of the Obama supporters tried to blame ABC for giving him such tough question. It’s not hard to see that these kinds of people have no ideal of the minefield that the Senator is in the middle of. They still believe that there guy can walk on water or in this case, walk over landmines. I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell them the truth, but your guy is mortal, just like the rest of us. Just because he hasn’t been under attack for so many years like Hillary has, doesn’t mean that he’s untouchable. Can you imagine if Hillary had even half the baggage that Obama had, how unelectable she would be today? The only reason so many may not like her is because of the success the Republicans have transformed this great lady into someone scary. That’s what they do, and do so well. You have to give them credit for that. Just as they are successful with there right wing hate radio, so are they with all forms of negative propaganda. The fact that Hillary is still standing is proof of her ability to withstand the full force of the greatest political attack machine in American history. Believe me; if Mother Teresa herself went up against this political machine, people would believe that she was the second coming of Hitler instead of the Saint that most of us believe today. While Democrats struggle to pay there bills and put food on the table, the Republicans have money to burn. That gives them a huge advantage. That’s why it’s important that our person have the ability to withstand such a force, like Hillary has. She is perhaps one of the strongest battle harden Democrats we have ever seen in modern history. No, she’s not perfect, but who is? She stood by her man and kept her family together, and for this she ridiculed endlessly. She’s been called every name under the sun. They’ve attacked her from every angle possibly. They even attacked her daughter, as if it’s a crime to be a woman. This kind of shameful behavior should not be rewarded. We need to show all the haters that there sick behavior can and will backfire. We need to prove to them that a woman can do an even better job than all the men that came before them. Perhaps I don’t believe she can walk on water like many of the Obama supporters, but I do have great faith in her to do what has to be done, no matter how unpopular that may be. As I’ve asked before, does anybody believe that Obama would be doing as well as has if we had known about all of this incredibly heavy baggage that were just finding out about? Who knows what other baggage may yet be undiscovered if we are just learning about so much in such a short time. I have great respect for people that are loyal to Obama, even after all of these recent discoveries. I understand that it’s hard to give up on someone that you have such high hopes for. It’s very hard to have someone tell you that the hope you hold so dear may instead be hopelessness. I would understand if you didn’t want to believe in what I’m telling you. Sometimes it better to damn the torpedoes and go down fighting. I respect that. It’s also smart to retreat and live to fight another day. Whether Hillary wins or Obama wins, one thing is for sure, we will need you to fight another day. As you may have noticed, Senator McCain isn’t like your typical Republican. To be honest, it’s not him that I’m so worried about. It’s all of those Republicans who will say and do anything to get there guy elected. There the ones to worry about, and while they attack us without mercy, McCain will stand back and let them do all the dirty work, making him seem above it all. Even though he’s known as being a bit of a hot head, he already has many people that may not know him so well, believing he’s as tame as a kitten. What may seem like a kitten is really a Trojan horse. If we allow this Trojan horse into the White House, then we could very well be looking at another eight years of Republican rule. I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure if our country could stand another eight years or even four years of rule from this party. If you’re old enough to remember the Clinton years then you know that it’s possible for Democrats to fix even the mess that Republicans can make. It won’t be easy because this time we have even a bigger mess to clean up. Sure it’s more fun to spend money like a drunken sailor, as McCain himself had said about his own party, but somebody has to be the responsible party. If not us, then who?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hillary, The New Anni Oakley

It wasn’t too long ago that most of us were wondering who this mystery man Senator Obama was. We listened and we liked what we heard. We saw that he wasn’t like all of the presidents we had in the past and liked what we saw, as with Hillary. Like many Americans we felt in our hearts that we needed to give the presidency to someone other than another white man and had hope that he could be the one.
Then we began to learn the truth and many began to wakeup from the spell cast upon them. We heard ignorant hate being celebrated as fact in a place of worship where Senator Obama had attended for twenty years and couldn’t believe our ears. We heard again the hate and lies that we normally heard coming from the Islamo-Fascist.
As you may remember, Senator Obama’s old pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright preached that the government was run by the KKK. He also stated that our KKK government invented the aids virus with the purpose of spreading it to the African American people in order to cause genocide. Perhaps this may explain why when Obama was asked by his supporters in San Francisco why he was trialing Hillary in Pennsylvania; he couldn’t help but describe them as a bunch of haters who would fit in well in the KKK.
Here is the one sentence in Senator Obama’s answer that has many people upset. “It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
So then, if you’re not for Obama in Pennsylvania then you must be a bitter person who clings to your gun in one hand and the bible in the other while carrying a load of hate for anyone not like yourself. Of course you also hate all immigrants, legal or not. All that’s missing is a burning cross.
This isn’t surprising coming from someone who would try and paint some of the bravest people that have been fighting to help all African American people for most of there lives, like Bill Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro, as racist. It would seem that Senator Obama believes that the only good white person is the one that gives him there vote, until the election anyway.
When Hillary talked about being young and learning how to shoot a rifle, Senator Obama made fun of her by calling her Annie Oakley, the sharp shooter from the old west. When I think of Annie Oakley, I think of a young woman who showed the world that a woman could be even better than a man, in a mans world. I guess to Obama, she must just be another silly woman with a gun who must have been in the Klan.
I would hope that Hillary will take his comparison to Annie Oakley as a badge of honor, instead of an insult. I believe that it’s time we take back our Democratic party away from the elitist and give it back to the hard working people that made it the great party that it is.
As the divide between the rich and the working class gets larger every day, we have to make sure that our guy is on the side of the workers. Some of the polling people have described the difference between the two Democrats by calling the Obama camp the latte drinkers.
As for myself, I would rather be represented by the person who stands for the men and women that spilled there blood and sweet to build this country than the ones who spilled there latte on there coat and tie. I would rather have someone who has been fighting the Republicans for so long and is battle hardened than someone who is coming apart so quickly and new to the scene. I would rather have someone who would never attended an anti American and racist church then someone who would attend one for twenty years.
I'm sure we will have an African American president someday. Perhaps we will also have a Mexican American president too. No matter what race you may be from, we should never forget about all of the great women that helped make this the best country to live in. We should never forget about the strength, kindness and wisdom that woman are famous for and is exactly what is needed in our country today.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Obama In The Mob

Like the old story of the boy who cried wolf, I’ve heard again the criticism that the attention given to the Jeremiah Wright and Senator Obama story is somehow equated with a lynching of some sort. Like myself, I’m sure that nobody reading this has ever seen a real lynching, but like me, you may have seen a photo of one. Two things that shocked me about seeing one of these photos is, of course, the person who has been hung, but also the sight of the crowd who seem to be enjoying the spectacle. I think that most people would agree that anyone in such a group that didn’t try and stop the lynching or who didn’t leave the mob was guilty of murder of some sort. As a Democrat, I see this as a real problem if Senator Obama is picked as our person to go up against Senator McCain. If Senator Obama is picked, then we can be sure that the Republicans are going to try and attack his weakness by pointing out his relationship to not only Jeremiah Wright, but also the former Weatherman Bill Ayers. I’m sure they will use the clips of his old pastor yelling, “God damn America,” while the crowd comes to there feet and applauds as a way of painting a picture of the Senator as being unpatriotic. Like the lynch mob photo, they will say, how could you listen to this kind of rhetoric for twenty years and not try and stop it or just leave. Even if the Senator wasn’t there while this kind of rhetoric was being said, as he claimed, it won’t make any difference. Just look what they did to John Kerry, if you don’t believe me. Even while Senator McCain was battling his fellow Republicans, I heard his own party try and paint him as someone who gave up secrets to the Viet Cong while being held as a prisoner there. When it comes to hardball politics, anything done in the past will be twisted and shaped to whatever reality they wish it to be. Just listen to the endless attacks on Hillary, even though they tell us that she has almost no chance of winning. This can only be because they would love to have Obama as there person to go up against McCain. Who could blame them? Not too long ago, it seemed as if they had no chance of winning. And if all of that wasn’t bad enough, we have the problem of Obama’s camp playing the race card too many times on the Hillary supporters. Like when Bill Clinton talked about the fact that Obama voted almost exactly the same as Hillary, when it came to the war, by saying that his rewrite of history was a fairy tail. As soon as Bill said this, the Obama people when out and told everyone that Bill had said that he was telling people that having a black man as president was a fairy tail. Can you imagine how upset this out and out lie enraged many Hillary supporters, like myself? Or when the Obama spokesperson was quoted as saying that Hillary was a monster? Or when they turned on Geraldine Ferraro, and tried to paint her as a racist, just for saying what Obama himself had said? I can’t remember how many times I’ve heard an Obama supporter state that they would never vote for Hillary and could even riot if she was picked. And after all of this, and much more, they expect us to just forget about all of there back stabbing and go vote for him? With all of this hate directed toward members of his own party, I have to wonder how sincere Obama is when he says that he will bring the country together. Perhaps when he says, “Bring the country together,” he talking about hand to hand combat in another civil war. The way I see it, the only chance the Democrats have for winning the White House is if we elect Hillary to run against McCain. Does anybody really think that Obama would be doing as well as he had if we had known about his long history with his anti American and racist church? Of course not. Does anybody really think that someone who attended a church like this could defeat a true patriot and war hero like McCain in an election for the presidency? Even with all of the anger after eight years of Bush and all of the Republicans who dislike McCain, this is going to be a very hard sale to make to the American people.