Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Extreme Centrist

On my last posting I had been talking about how people like the infamous Kenneth Starr were obsessed with attacking people for using harmless drugs, like pot. One story that caught my eye in the local Texas news here, may give you a glimpse of what I’m talking about when I stated that I believed evil was behind this. It was reported that a Texas Ranger investigation had concluded that top officials at a juvenile center had molested youths in their custody. Because of this the entire governing board of the Texas Youth Commission resigned. This is the latest fallout from reports that officials covered up claims of sexual abuse in state detention centers. The reason I bring this up is to show just one way in which the government has attacked drug users. I can remember very well a television commercial that ran a few years back which was used to try and deter drug use. In this ad they used a very large prisoner in his cell. The message was very clear. Without saying it in words, they implied that if you were to get caught with drugs then you would be placed into jail with someone like this person and would very likely be raped. This is a very clear case of our government using rape as a tool for law enforcement. Today as I watch our local news I see how people in our government are shocked to find out that there is a huge problem with our young people are being sexually abused in our prison system. Of course this is how they act whenever they get caught. They will make a lot of noise; act surprised and shocked till the story blows over. As someone who has supported our war effort, I have stated in earlier posting how Saddam and other fascist would use rape as a tool of government. It would be wrong for me to point out others sick crimes without pointing out ours. We may not use rape as a tool at the scale of these fascist, but we do use it in a smaller form. So when I see our local officials asking themselves how this could have happen, I have to wonder what planet are they living on. For as long as I can remember they have put people in jail for something as harmless as smoking pot and then encouraged officials and prisoners to rape them. Being treated much worst than someone who may have committed murder even. For years we have been asking how can they do this and get away with it, and never getting a good answer. How could anyone in there right mind not see that this is pure evil at work? How could anyone not see that this is a type of government terrorism that has been going on for decades? What else could make so many have so much hate for something as harmless as smoking pot? Hated even more than murderers and rapist. What else would make people deny someone in pain a drug that could help them through their few last years or days on this planet? Who else but the devil could do something like this to bring pain and suffering to millions. Today we have so many real problems to worry about that it seems unreal that we still have this witch hut going on taking up so much time and money. Perhaps it’s that pot makes people so peace loving that makes the Devil so upset. Perhaps it’s that pot is a gift from God to man that has him working overtime. Whatever the reason may be, it needs to stop. If your like Kenneth Starr and you believe that taking a bong hit is the biggest problem we have, then maybe you had better wake up before it’s too late.

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